Called to a higher purpose but struggling to find your path?


You’re on a journey to find peace and happiness but…

➔ You feel lost in a ceiling-high stack of self-help books, searching for answers between black-and-white pages
➔ You can see your goals on the distant horizon, but the journey to get there feels dark and lonely
➔ You’ve achieved a level of success on paper, but can’t shake a nagging sense of dissatisfaction and superficiality in it all
➔ You’re searching for deeper meaning but don’t know where to start or how to unravel the pieces
…if only you had a spiritual guide to help you find the way.

Your path to spiritual health and healing doesn’t have to be lonely

  • Emotionally exhausted from talk therapy and self-help overwhelm?
    The journey isn’t black and white. A spiritual awakening can happen at any time: in silence and solitude, through community connection and conversation, or through one-on-one coaching.
  • Searching for a deeper understanding of your spiritual self?
    Your journey is characteristic of your experiences, goals, and intuition. Through a personalized and holistic approach, you can create harmony of mind, body, and soul.
  • Tired of superficial “guru” promises and methods that fall flat after a few months?
    Modern life is noisy. Combine ancient wisdom with real-world practices to achieve peace amidst the chaos. It’s your higher purpose woven into daily life. It’s sustainable growth from deep within.
  •  Negative self-talk, societal pressure, or nervous system overload holding you back?
    Change comes with uncertainty, but it doesn’t have to be scary. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we’ll meet you there and help you navigate past blockers and achieve peace and purpose.

Create an “ahh, so this is what peace feels like” life anchored in purpose…
…so you can end the cycle of dissatisfaction and self-doubt and become blissfully content and deeply fulfilled through your Earthly journey.


Kishar Spiritual Coaching & Community

A space for people like you to connect, share, and expand their spiritual horizons.

Spend less time and energy searching for “the right answer.”
Instead, find the answers within yourself through a supportive community of seekers and experienced guides who’ve been in your you can have the clarity and confidence to achieve your goals and pursue your greater purpose.
Kishar is your safe harbor for spiritual guidance and self-discovery.
Because you deserve peace on your journey.

We’re here to guide you.


You don’t have to meditate all day like a monk to achieve spiritual well-being

Merging ancient wisdom with contemporary insights, we guide you to practice meaningful spirituality within the practicalities of modern life.

Because taking care of yourself? It’s the least selfish thing you can do.

Which path will you walk?