Feeling called to a higher purpose but struggling to find your path?

If you’re ready to end the cycle of discontentment and create a life that lights you up, you’re in the right place. Awaken your greatest potential with support from a like-minded community and spiritual guides who walk alongside you.

Step on in, this is a safe space.

“I’ve carved out a path to the life I was meant to have. I'm rich in spiritual fulfillment and professional success. John helped me align my daily actions with my deepest values."

Julia, Georgia

I'm not just wishing for a life of purpose and passion, I'm living it every day. This journey has given me everything I need to thrive emotionally, spiritually, and socially."

— Grace, Colorado

You’re on a journey to find peace and happiness but…

✔ You feel lost in a ceiling-high stack of self-help books, searching for answers between black-and-white pages

✔ You can see your goals on the distant horizon, but the journey to get there feels dark and lonely

✔ You’ve achieved a level of success on paper, but can’t shake a nagging sense of dissatisfaction and superficiality in it all

✔ You’re searching for deeper meaning but don’t know where to start or how to unravel the pieces

…if only you had a spiritual guide to help you find the way.

Emotionally exhausted from talk therapy and self-help overwhelm?

The journey isn’t black and white. A spiritual awakening can happen at any time: in silence and solitude, through community connection and conversation, or through one-on-one coaching.

Searching for a deeper understanding of your spiritual self?

Your journey is characteristic of your experiences, goals, and intuition. Through a personalized and holistic approach, you can create harmony of mind, body, and soul.

Tired of superficial “guru” promises and methods that fall flat after a few months?

Modern life is noisy. Combine ancient wisdom with real-world practices to achieve peace amidst the chaos. It’s your higher purpose woven into daily life. It’s sustainable growth from deep within.

Negative self-talk, societal pressure, or nervous system overload holding you back?

Change comes with uncertainty, but it doesn’t have to be scary. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, we’ll meet you there and help you navigate past blockers and achieve peace and purpose.

Your path to spiritual health and healing doesn’t have to be lonely

Create an “ahh, so this is what peace feels like” life anchored in purpose…

…so you can end the cycle of dissatisfaction and self-doubt and become blissfully content and deeply fulfilled through your Earthly journey.

"The community's warmth and understanding have provided a safe harbor as I explore deeper meanings. The holistic approach integrating mind, body, and soul resonates deeply with me."

—Ethan, Virginia

“John’s insightful guidance and Kishar’s rich community resources provide space for self-discovery and empowerment. There has been a clear path to living my highest purpose.

—Ava, Illinois


Kishar Spiritual Community & Coaching

A space for people like you to connect, share, and expand their spiritual horizons.

Spend less time and energy searching for “the right answer.”

Instead, find the answers within yourself through a supportive community of seekers and experienced guides who’ve been in your shoes…

…so you can have the clarity and confidence to achieve your goals and pursue your greater purpose.

Kishar is your safe harbor for spiritual guidance and self-discovery. Because you deserve peace on your journey.

We’re here to guide you.


Community memberships

Engage in lively discussions, share personal experiences, and grow alongside fellow seekers.

✔ Daily meditations, affirmations, and community discussion prompts

✔ Self-paced courses to integrate spirituality into your daily life

✔ Weekly community discussions via Zoom with Kishar guides

✔ Mobile app to access community resources from anywhere

✔ Private journaling group (Kishar Oasis membership)

✔ Private community deep dives, guide-led book club, and special events via Zoom (Kishar Oasis membership)

THIS IS FOR YOU IF: You’re on a journey of spiritual self-discovery, but the path can feel lonely. Your friends and family don’t always “get it.” Our community connects you with like-minded people from all walks of life. It’s a place to connect, share, and expand.

Most comprehensive—

Transformational spiritual coaching

Get personalized, one-on-one higher purpose and spiritual coaching from a Certified Professional Coach.

Includes everything in our community memberships, plus:

✔ A 6-month spiritual coaching plan fully customized to your goals

✔ Weekly 45-minute coaching sessions via Zoom with your coach

✔ Regular support, guidance, and accountability check-ins

✔ Direct access to your coach via direct messages

THIS IS FOR YOU IF: You feel called to something more. A life-changing career change. A cross-country move. A deep interpersonal shift. But you feel frozen… trapped in old cycles. Together, we’ll bring clarity to your vision and develop a clear path to make it a reality.


You don’t have to meditate all day like a monk to achieve spiritual well-being

Merging ancient wisdom with contemporary insights, we guide you to practice meaningful spirituality within the practicalities of modern life.

Because taking care of yourself? It’s the least selfish thing you can do.


John Lawyer, CPC

Founder, Transformational Life and Spiritual Coach

From 12 years in desert combat zones to a battle within, John transformed from soldier to spiritual seeker. He is the co-founder of Kishar, a non-profit online spiritual community where people share their journeys and explore their own unique spiritual path. 

John has gone from receiving a bronze star for counterterrorism operations to walking through a swamp of sadness to an amazing path of spiritual healing and awakening. He is a certified master spiritual practitioner (CMSP).

John believes in the validity of all religions and spiritual philosophies. He believes we can come together and work with one another despite our differences. He is a higher purpose and transformational coach who offers individual spiritual guidance and coaching within this community.

Stacie Lawyer

Accountability Master | Light Worker

Stacie is an Accountability Master and Lightworker dedicated to helping others find their path to personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. With years of experience in guiding individuals through their journeys, Stacie combines practical accountability with deep spiritual insight. Her empathetic approach and unwavering support make her a beacon of light for those seeking clarity and purpose. Join Stacie to align your actions with your highest potential and transform your life with intention and grace.

Duska K

Community Manager and Guide

Duska is our Community Manager and is from the Balkans, where she grew up amidst the turmoil of war. Her resilience and strength carried her through these challenging times. Duska later connected with John and Stacie in Afghanistan, where they shared profound experiences. Her deep understanding of conflict and her compassionate nature make her an invaluable guide within our community. Duska is dedicated to fostering a supportive and connected environment, helping each member feel at home on their spiritual journey.


International Coaching Federation is the primary governing body for coaches

Certified Professional Coach (CPC) ICA is an ICF accredited institution

Certified Master Spiritual Practitioner (CMSP) 6,000 Development Hours

Advanced Holistic Spiritual Coach (AHSC) 600+ hours coaching

Spiritual Trauma Wellness Guide (STWG)

Professional Spiritual Group Facilitator (PSGF)

We may not have answers to all life’s questions, but we can answer these…

Q: How is your spiritual coaching approach different from others?

A: With us, you get a dedicated team of three specialists just for you. You'll have direct access to each of us and can communicate daily through direct messages or texts. It's an incredible value.

Q: I have a busy schedule. Are the community calls available to watch on demand?

A: Absolutely, you can watch them anytime on demand.

Q:  Can I cancel my membership anytime?

A: Yes you can.

Q: Do you offer refunds or a money-back guarantee?

A: If you aren't happy after your first week of coaching, community events and support you can just let us know.

Q: I have another question.

 A: We’re here to help. You can email us at kishar.community@gmail.com or book a free discovery call with John.

“Before my sessions with John, my life felt superficial. My relationships lacked depth. I was bothered by a persistent feeling of being unanchored, drifting through life. I sought out a community and mentor who could offer more than words because I was searching for an understanding of my spiritual self. John's coaching technique and Kishar’s embracing community transformed my approach to life."

—Emily, NC

“Before I found John, my life was in disarray. I was emotionally drained and grappling with unresolved issues that clouded my daily existence. I had tried other methods to find peace and direction, yet nothing seemed to work long-term. When I heard about John's unique approach to spiritual coaching, I was intrigued. And I'm so thankful he delivered amazing transformation."

—Natalie, Washington

My hope of finding a place where I could grow, share and connect has been realized. This experience has redefined me. I no longer just hope to live a life filled with peace and spiritual depth, but I'm actively creating it. I find myself becoming the enlightened, empowered individual I always knew I could be."

—Isabella, California

“Life before working with John felt like an endless loop of dissatisfaction. Despite my successes, I felt a deep void. Traditional therapy and self-help hadn't worked for me. I needed a guide who could blend spirituality with the real world, and that's exactly why I turned to John."

—Liam, Washington

Which path will you walk?

Kishar Journey Membership (Monthly)

Just dipping your toes? Join an inclusive community and explore our resources for spiritual self-discovery.

$25 USD/month

(recommended donation)

Kishar Oasis Membership (Monthly)

Our most popular membership. Dive deeper with advanced courses, exclusive events, and community groups.

$50 USD/month

(recommended donation)

Transformational Coaching (6 months)

Our most comprehensive support. Get personalized, one-on-one spiritual coaching and guidance with John.

$1,375 USD/month

(recommended donation)

Not sure which path to choose?